Global - City States Gifts

Global - City States Gifts

City States give gifts related to their type (cultural, maritime, mercantile, etc)

Compatibility: BNW required, Hot Seat, Affects Saved Games

Required Mods: DLL - Various Mod Components

City states give a gift of gold (mercantile), food (maritime), culture (cultural), faith (religious) or (possibly) a unit (militaristic).

In addition to the specific gift a friendship boost is also given - city states are sociable, they like meeting great nations!

Friendly city states give more than neutral ones, who in turn give more than hostile ones (if they give anything at all). Irrational city states are ... irrational in their gifts!

The first team to meet a city state gets more than subsequent ones, and the leader of the team gets more than the other team members.


v 517-May-2016 09:31:43
v 406-May-2014 09:15:01
v 305-Oct-2013 15:05:05
v 229-Aug-2013 07:31:59
v 120-Jul-2013 17:41:42
